Make it clear
Women makeup 61% of all creatives but get paid 32% less than men for the exact same job. There are many ways to combat this issue, but transparency is the best first step towards gender pay parity.
32% print
We enlisted the help of female designers from all over the country to create our print ads. Then, we covered 32% of their designs with Adobe’s signature transparency grid, to visually enforce that the conversation around gender pay needs transparency.
A press release and long copy ads will be released with Adobe’s demands for transparency within the creative field. If companies that use Adobe choose not to disclose their salary numbers, Adobe will suspend their partnership with them indefinitely.
Transparency Takeover
We’ll partner with companies who have also reached pay parity within their company to help us spread the message using our iconic transparency grid.
The project vs. The pay
A social movement showing the work of female creatives and then exposing their pay for the project. This will ignite a social conversation encouraging pay transparency among individuals, and also help establish a more standardized system of rates for freelance creators.
The truth revealed
During the course of the year, Adobe will host a live microsite where all of the pay numbers are displayed for the world to see as they are revealed from major companies nationwide.